Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Strange Thing About Time

Time is an odd thing. At least for me. I've heard it said that the job will always expand to fill the time you have, and I've found that to be true. Give me a deadline in about an hour and I'll do amazing things. Give me a two-paragraph letter to write and eight hours to do it--and it will somehow take eight hours. No more, no less.

Apparently I need structure. Or pressure. You know, all those things I rebel against and hate.
I had all those wonderful days off from work and basically accomplished nothing. I'm on my third day back to the old grind, and I've accomplished more than in my entire vacation.

But it's reassuring to know what God can accomplish through me even when I think there isn't enough. Not enough time, not enough energy, not enough money. But he multiplies it all and makes it come out right somehow.

Maybe that was the problem with all that vacation time, anyway. When I think I have plenty of time I just rely on me and my disastrous organizational skills. The results aren't pretty. But when I'm squeezed and under pressure, I have to go to God. Works out much better, doesn't it?


  1. You touched on this but it is the same with money. People will spend as much money as they have too. Got a refund check? Gone! Stimulus check? Buy a new TV or car.

    Maybe people need to learn budgeting skills and apply them to both their money AND their time. Maybe they'll end up with more of both.

  2. Another reason why I think I should get a job!

    Thanks for the encouraging word about God always multiplying what we have when we rely on him. I needed to hear that today!

  3. I know I work best when there's structure, routines, etc.

  4. I have almost always found that to be true...on another note, about not feeling like I have enough to give,or whether or not I'm good enough, someone once told me that we feel that way because it's true. We will never measure up to God and all of his greatness and so we have these nagging thoughts/feelings. Then they said to acknowlege it give it to God and watch amazing things happen. He knows we can't do it and if we could we wouldn't need Him, so I am trying to become greatful for those times because it reminds me of all that He has done for me.

  5. I agree with what you had to say, Robin. Time is certainly a funny thing. As a kid, there were so many times when it seemed to drag, but I don't have that happen much in my 50's!!
